Friday, May 11, 2012

Final say on contraception

Many fellow colleagues and myself have beaten the subject to death on contraception/abortion.  It is something I am passionate about and fail to see Jakes point of view.   In Jakefeelgood’s blog  he argues, “Don’t want to get pregnant don’t have sex”.  I cannot agree with his comments, maybe because I am older and watch my taxes go up each year.  I think my favorite comment is, “women who can’t keep their pants on,” I guess I am one of those women, who just cannot keep her pants on.  I am married.  Why should I have too?  I can afford the cost of contraceptives, but those who cannot do you know who pays the price?  You and I as taxpayers.
Another comment Jake makes, “it doesn't mean the government should support your decisions.”  The government is already supporting the decision.  We do have welfare and an absorbent amount of children on the system.  The system we pay for.
Jake gives an example, “let’s say I love to backyard wrestle and I am consistently getting hurt, should the government pay for my pain pills?”  Actually, they will.  Go to your Doctor tell him what happen and voila a prescription.  For those who have health insurance can painfully say birth control is not free and neither will the prescription for attaining an injury for wrestling.  As most participating in their companies heatlh insurance plan, every paycheck they take out a ridiculous amount and cover very little.
In my previous article, I stated.
"Is the pill beneficial to women’s health?"  These are some of the positive side effects as it “reduces excruciating menstrual cramps, offers some protection against pelvic inflammatory disease, which often leads to infertility when left untreated, acne reduction, decreases osteoporosis, decreases ectopic pregnancy , decreases cysts in the breasts and ovaries, reduction of anemia, decreases premenstrual symptoms, reduces headaches and depression. These all appear to be health issues.” 

Jake isolates women, “So why should they pay for contraceptives for women who choose to have sex.”  I did not realize women were the only ones involved in sex.  It seems the argument made is that the government is only aiding women who are promiscuous.  The argument is contraception, not only pills but also sterilization, free condoms, and later on the pill for men. Did you know that Viagra is covered? Why the double standard?  Contraceptives should not only be provided by women, but by both consenting adults. 

I fully agree with Jakes comment, “Maybe instead of just paying for the contraceptives maybe put the money to schools and fund better teen pregnancy awareness.  Seems like a much smarter idea.”  As I stated in my article and still stand by---prevention…we need to stop the ignorance.  Prevention today!  On the other hand, would you rather pay for children that are not your own.

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